Meaning of CHAIRMAN in English

I. ˈ ̷ ̷mən noun

( plural chairmen )

1. : one who occupies a chair: as

a. : the presiding officer of a meeting or assembly

b. : the head officer of an organization or committee who is entitled to preside at its meetings and usually to exercise some authority in carrying on its affairs ; specifically : chairman of the board

c. : a professor or instructor who is chief officer of a department of instruction ; often : one who has relatively little power to determine policy and exercise authority except with the approval of his colleagues or of a committee of them — distinguished from head


a. : one who serves as a carrier of a sedan chair

b. : one who wheels an invalid's chair

3. : one in charge : supervisor , director

chairman of refreshments for a club meeting

hospitality chairman

legislative chairman

chairman of freshman history courses

4. : a master of ceremonies of music-hall entertainments

II. transitive verb

( chairmaned or chairmanned ; chairmaned or chairmanned ; chairmaning or chairmanning ; chairmans )

Etymology: chairman (I)

1. : to act as chairman of (a meeting or assembly)

2. : to be chairman of (an organization or committee)

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