kəˈrāgəs noun
or cho·re·gus -rē- ; also cho·ra·gos -rāˌgäs, -_gəs
( plural chora·gi -ˌjī, -ˌgī ; or choraguses -_gəsə̇z ; or chore·gi -ˌjī, -ˌgī ; or choreguses -_gəsə̇z ; also chora·goi -ˌgȯi)
Etymology: Latin & Greek; Latin choragus, from Greek choragos, chorēgos, from choros chorus + -agos, -ēgos (from agein to lead) — more at chorus , agent
1. : the leader of a chorus or choir ; broadly : the leader of any group or movement
the choragus of the Victorian poets
a. : a leader of a dramatic chorus in ancient Greece — called also at later periods coryphaeus
b. : an Athenian who provided a dramatic chorus at his own expense