Meaning of CICATRIX in English

ˈsikə.ˌtriks also sə̇ˈkā.triks noun

( plural cic·a·tri·ces ˌsikə.ˈtrī(ˌ)sēz, sə̇ˈkā.trə̇ˌsēz ; also cic·a·trix·es ˈsikə.ˌtriksə̇z also sə̇ˈkā.triksə̇z)

Etymology: Latin, scar

1. : a scar resulting from cicatrization of a flesh wound

2. : a scarlike mark especially when caused by the previous attachment of a part or organ: as

a. : the impression on the inside of a bivalve shell caused by the insertion of the adductor muscle


(1) : the permanent mark left on the stem after the fall of a leaf or bract

(2) : the hilum of a seed

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