I. ˈklam(b)ə(r), -aambə(r) verb
( clambered ; clambered ; clambering -m(b)əriŋ, -m(b)riŋ ; clambers )
Etymology: Middle English clambren; akin to Middle High German klamben to fit together tightly, Old Norse klembra to clamber, Old English climban to climb — more at climb
intransitive verb
: to move (as up, around, through, or under something) by or as if by catching hold with the hands and feet : crawl , struggle , climb
clamber into a tank
clamber out of an overcoat
clamber to emotional heights
construction workers clambered down from their scaffolding — Robert Shaplen
transitive verb
: to scramble up : climb
hodmen, clambering a ladder — Washington Irving
II. noun
( -s )
: the act or action of clambering