Meaning of CLANGOR in English

I. ˈklaŋə(r), -aiŋ- sometimes -ŋgə- noun

( -s )

Usage: see -or

Etymology: Latin, noise, sound, clang, from clangere to clang — more at clang

: a loud deeply resounding sound like that made by a trumpet or especially by metal objects struck together

the clangor of hammers

or a loud medley of such sound

the clangor of battle

II. intransitive verb

( clangored ; clangored ; clangoring -ŋ(ə)riŋ sometimes -ŋg(ə)r- ; clangors )

Usage: see -or

: to make a clanging noise

the long train … clangored through the night — J.W.Vandercook

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