ˈkōstə(r) noun
( -s )
1. : one that coasts: as
a. : a person engaged in coastal traffic or commerce
b. : a vessel employed in sailing along a coast or engaged in the coasting trade ; specifically in statute law : a vessel carrying to a port a cargo taken in at another port of the same country
a. : a resident of a seacoast
b. : one of the longhorn cattle of Texas especially of the coastal region
(1) : a very large brook trout found along the northern shores of Lake Superior and Lake Michigan
(2) : rainbow trout
a. : a round tray usually of silver and often on wheels that is used for circulating a decanter after a meal
b. : a shallow container or a plate or mat to protect a surface (as a table from moisture from drinking vessels)
[ coast (II) + -er ]
: a small vehicle (as a sled or wagon) on or in which a child may coast
d. : roller coaster