I. col·le·giate -j(ē)ə̇t, usu -d.+V adjective
Etymology: Medieval Latin collegiatus, from Medieval Latin collegium + Latin -atus -ate — more at college
1. : of or relating to a collegiate church
a collegiate pastor
a collegiate charge
monasteries and other collegiate bodies such as the cathedral churches — R.W.Southern
2. : of, relating to, or comprising a college or colleges:
a. : having college rank or standards
a collegiate education
b. : resembling that of a college
collegiate architecture
collegiate living
c. of a university : composed of several autonomous colleges
3. : marked by power or authority vested equally in each of a number of colleagues : collegial
abolished the collegiate executive and restored full powers to the presidency — M.I.Vanger
a. : characteristic of college students (as in appearance, attitude, or behavior)
collegiate clothes
collegiate humor
b. : designed for the use or relevant to the life of college students often on the nonacademic side
collegiate athletics
• col·le·giate·ly adverb
• col·le·giate·ness noun -es
II. col·le·gi·ate -jēˌāt, usu -d.+V transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
: to constitute or organize as a college or as a collegiate church
III. col·le·giate -j(ē)ə̇t, usu -d.+V noun
( -s )
1. : collegian
2. : a British or Canadian secondary school