Meaning of COLLIDE in English

kəˈlīd verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Latin collidere, from com- + laedere to injure

transitive verb

archaic : to strike against

intransitive verb


a. : to become impelled into violent contact

waves colliding with the rocks

b. : to strike or dash together in collision typically by accident with a degree of force and shock and with solid rather than glancing or sideswiping impact

the car and truck collided

the car collided with the truck

2. : to meet in sharp direct opposition : be sharply, forcefully, and directly at variance, in discord, disagreement, or conflict

liberty, equality, fraternity … these three ideas collided with the vested interests of decaying monarchy and feudal privilege — Stringfellow Barr

Synonyms: see bump

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