( -s )
Etymology: Middle English colouring, from gerund of colouren to color — more at color
a. : the act of applying colorants : the application of color
b. : something that produces color or color effects
pouring the coloring into the paint before mixing
(1) : the effect produced by applying or combining colors or shades
a painting with startling coloring
(2) : natural color or a combination of natural colors
the dun coloring of the mole
the startling coloring of the peacock
a sunset with vivid coloring
(3) : complexion 3a
the coloring of a blonde
d. : the final stage in buffing a metallic surface wherein a high polish is imparted
a. : false semblance : show , disguise ; especially : a pleasing masking of something bad
lies under the coloring of truth
b. : a slanting or suggesting added extrinsically : orientation , slant , bias
although given a Christian coloring here and there … this poetry is essentially heathen — Encyc. Americana
a. : color 4b
b. : color 13
c. : the indirect disclosure of sympathies or point of view in writing or speaking
a. : timbre , quality
b. : coloratura , ornamentation