or col- or con- or cor- in words having the stress pattern seen in “complain”, “collect”, “congratulation”, “correct” ä rather than ə is sometimes the vowel in these prefixes, and ŋ rather than n is especially in Brit speech sometimes the second consonant in con- words before a syllable beginning with a g or k sound, as in “congratulate”, “conclude”; the ä and ŋ variants have usually not been shown at individual entries
Etymology: com- from Middle English, from Old French, from Latin; col- from Middle English, from Latin, from com-; con- from Middle English, from Old English (in consolde comfrey), from Old French, from Latin, from com-; cor- from Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin, from com- — more at co-
: with : together : jointly — usually com- before b
com burgess
and p
com panion
or m
com mingle
col- before l
col lingual
cor- before r
cor relation
and con- before other sounds
con cyclic