kənˈsilēˌāt usu -ād.+V verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Latin conciliatus, past participle of conciliare to bring together, unite, gain, from concilium assembly, council — more at council
transitive verb
1. : to gain (as goodwill or favor) by pleasing acts
2. obsolete : acquire , win , get
3. : to make compatible : cause to be in accord
it is hard to conciliate the views of labor and management on this point
4. : to win over from a state of hostility or distrust : gain the goodwill or favor of : mollify , propitiate , appease
he conciliated her mother with shy signs of good blood and breeding
intransitive verb
: to become or try to become friendly : make friends
Synonyms: see pacify