kənˈtinyəwən(t)s noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from continuant
1. : a holding on or remaining in a particular state or course of action : permanence especially of action, condition, habits, or abode : perseverance:
a. : prolongation , duration
great plagues, and of long continuance — Deut 28:59 (Authorized Version)
b. : a continuing or remaining in some place or condition : abiding , stay
continuance in office
2. : uninterrupted succession : continuation especially of a species
3. obsolete
a. : continuity
b. : durability , permanence
you call in question the continuance of his love — Shakespeare
4. : a continuation or sequel especially to a novel
5. : the adjournment of the court proceedings in a case to a future day ; also : the entry of such adjournment and the grounds thereof on the record