kəˈrō(ˌ)sō noun
or co·ro·jo -rōˌhō ; also co·ro·so -rō(ˌ)sō
( -s )
Etymology: American Spanish, from Spanish corozo, corojo fruit pit, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin carudium, from Greek karydion small nut, diminutive of karyon nut — more at careen
1. also corozo palm : any of several tropical American palms: as
a. : ivory palm
b. : cohune palm
c. : coyol 1
d. : any of several palms of the genus Cocos
2. also corozo nut : the seed of the ivory palm
3. also corozo fiber : a strong leaf fiber obtained from a coyol ( Acrocomia lasiospatha ) and used for making ropes