-ˌnāt, usu -ād.+V verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Medieval Latin culminatus, past participle of culminare, from Late Latin, to crown, from Latin culmin-, culmen top — more at hill
intransitive verb
1. of a celestial body : to reach the highest altitude : come to the meridian ; also : to be directly overhead
a. : to rise to or form a summit (as of a mountain or wave)
a helmet culminating in a crest
b. : to reach the highest point (as of rank or power)
the house of Burgundy was rapidly culminating — J.L.Motley
c. : to reach a climactic or decisive point
the troubles of the year culminated in rioting in November
transitive verb
: to bring to a head : be the culminating point of : climax , cap
the agreement culminated a long controversy — Newsweek