Meaning of CYCADOPHYTAE in English

ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷fəˌtē noun plural

Usage: capitalized

Etymology: New Latin, from cycado- (from Cycadales ) + -phytae (plural feminine equivalent of -phyta )

: a subclass of Gymnospermae comprising unbranched plants with pinnate leaves, large pith, little xylem, and a thick cortex and including the surviving order Cycadales and the extinct orders Bennettitales and Cycadofilicales — compare coniferophytae

• cy·cad·o·phyte sīkadəˌfīt, sə̇ˈ- noun -s

• cy·cad·o·phyt·ic (ˈ)sī|kadə|fid.ik, sə̇|- adjective

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