I. noun
or dé·clas·sée ˌdākləˈsā, -laˈ-, -lȧˈ-
( -s )
Etymology: French, from déclassé, déclassée, adjective
: one that is déclassé
the younger generation of déclassés — Willi Frischauer
treated as a déclassé , Austria found her credit seriously impaired — Current History
II. adjective
or déclassée | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷
Etymology: French déclassé (masculine), déclassée (feminine), from déclassé, past participle of déclasser to declass, from dé- de- (from Old French des- ) + classe class — more at de- , class
1. : fallen or lowered in class, rank, or social position
he was déclassé enough to want to work with his hands — Times Literary Supplement
2. : of inferior status
it's been a long time since dyed furs were considered déclassé — Lois Long