Meaning of DECONSTRUCTION in English

"ˌ noun

Etymology: French déconstruction , from dé- de- + construction

1. : a method of literary criticism that assumes that language refers only to itself rather than to an extratextual reality, that asserts multiple conflicting interpretations of a text, and that bases such interpretations on the philosophical, political, or social implications of the use of language in the text rather than on the author's intention

2. : the analysis and examination of something (as a theory) often with the intention of revealing its inadequacy

3. : something that deconstructs or that results from the act or process of deconstructing

• de·con·struc·tion·ism ¦ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷ shəˌnizəm noun

• de·con·struc·tion·ist -sh(ə)nə̇st noun or adjective

• de·constructive "ˌ adjective

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