Meaning of DIACHRONIC in English

|dīə|kränik adjective

or dia·chro·nis·tic |dīəkrə|nistik, -(ˌ)krä|n-; (|)dī|akrə|n- ; or di·ach·ro·nous (ˈ)dī|akrənəs

Etymology: diachronic, International Scientific Vocabulary dia- + chronic; originally formed as French diachronique; diachronistic from dia- + -chronistic (as in synchronistic ); diachronous from dia- + -chronous

: considering or embracing phenomena (as the sounds of a language) as they occur, change, or develop over a period of time — contrasted with synchronic

diachronic descriptions of a language are properly built up by a comparison of synchronic descriptions of the same language at different historical periods — D.W.Reed

• dia·chron·i·cal·ly |dīə|kränə̇k(ə)lē adverb

• di·ach·ro·nous·ly (ˈ)dī|akrənəslē adverb

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