ˌdiməˈn(y)üshən, ÷-myəˈnish- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English diminucioun, from Middle French diminution, from Latin diminution-, diminutio, alteration (influenced by Latin diminuere to diminish) of deminution-, deminutio, from deminutus (past participle of deminuere to diminish, from de from, away + minuere to lessen) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at de- , minor
1. : the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : decrease
experienced no diminution of his physical powers
2. archaic : a lowering in estimation : degradation , depreciation
3. : the reduction to smaller note values of the repetition of, imitation of, or answer to a musical subject or phrase — opposed to augmentation
a. : the defacing of part of a heraldic shield
b. : difference 5
5. : omission or incompleteness in a record sent up by a lower court in proceedings for review
6. : the tapering or diminishing of a column or some other part of a building ; also : the amount of such diminishing