Meaning of DISCOLOR in English

I. də̇s, (ˈ)dis+ verb

Etymology: Middle English discolouren, from Middle French descoulourer, descolorer, from Late Latin discolorari to change color, from Latin discolor of another color, from dis- dis- (I) + color — more at color

transitive verb

1. : to alter the hue or color of : tarnish

a long row of discolored frame houses

: change to a different color : stain , tinge

discolored the water, changing it to a dull red

2. : to change the intellectual or moral complexion or appearance of especially for the worse

discoloring the luster of a glorious name

3. : to deprive of color or coloring : dull , fade , streak

a dress discolored by the sun

intransitive verb

: to change color : stain , fade

it will not discolor or stain if given reasonable care

II. noun

Etymology: Middle English discolour, from discolouren, v.

archaic : change of color especially for the worse : stain

III. adjective

Etymology: Latin, of another color, variegated

: of two or more colors : variegated

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