dəˈskrēt, (ˈ)diˌs-, usu -ēd.+V adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin discretus — more at discreet
a. : possessed of definite identity or individuality : constituting a separate entity : detached , separate
the conclusion that gases are made of discrete units (molecules) — Lancelot Hogben
: having no organic or reciprocal relationship with others of its kind
human traits and abilities are not discrete , like sticks in a bundle, but interact with each other in highly complex ways — Educational Research Bulletin
: concerned with distinct or disconnected parts
b. : characterized by discrete lesions
discrete smallpox
— compare confluent 2b
2. : consisting of distinct, unconnected, or unrelated parts : noncontinuous
regarded society as a discrete mass of individuals guided by blind egotism
3. logic
a. : containing a clause that expresses exception or opposition by means of particles like but, though, yet
“I resign my life but not my honor” is a discrete statement
b. : individually distinct but not generically different
c. : having no content in common : not overlapping — used specifically of individuals
4. mathematics : capable of assuming, containing, or involving only a finite or countably infinite number of values, items, or objects : countable
Synonyms: see distinct