Meaning of DISPUTATIOUS in English

|dispyə|tāshəs, -(ˌ)spyü|- adjective

Etymology: disputati on + -ous


a. : inclined to dispute : apt to wrangle or cavil : argumentative , contentious

the wrangling of many disputatious … councils of French churchmen — H.O.Taylor

man by his nature is a disputatious and fighting animal — Horace Sutton

b. : marked by disputation

philosophers loll in their disputatious ease — R.P.Warren

had a disputatious time at the meeting

2. : controversial

a paper so concise, so lacking in disputatious matter — D.C.Peattie

• dis·pu·ta·tious·ly adverb

• dis·pu·ta·tious·ness noun -es

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