Meaning of DISRESPECT in English

I. |dis+ transitive verb

Etymology: dis- (I) + respect (v.)

: to have disrespect for : show disrespect to or for

the man's remark gave us every reason for disrespecting and profoundly disliking him

disrespecting the law by violating it

II. noun

Etymology: dis- (I) + respect (n.)


a. : lack of respect or reverence

had an enormous disrespect for party-line intelligentsia — Newsweek

a disrespect for authority

b. : an instance or act of disrespect : incivility , discourtesy

she regarded the remark as a disrespect

2. : an expression or sentiment of disrespect

in the speech the mayor paid his extended disrespects to his enemies

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.