-sht adjective
a. : marked by eminence and distinction : noted for significant achievement or great dignity
under the general's distinguished leadership
his name was placed on the roster of distinguished statesmen
a distinguished figure in American architecture
a distinguished career as a mathematical logician — M.R.Cohen
distinguished for his facility in languages
b. : marked by excellence in quality
many facets of the mind and personality of the greatest scientist of our time presented in a distinguished translation — I.B.Cohen
it is not distinguished , but has the clarity of action and plot demanded by oral storytelling — New York Herald Tribune Book Review
a book distinguished for its handling of an intricate period in history
2. : befitting an eminent person : conferring dignity
blue eyes made bluer by dark hair with a distinguished streak of gray — Eva Gabor
wearing a distinguished velvet-collared coat
• dis·tin·guished·ly -shtlē, -shə̇dlē, -li adverb