Meaning of DIVIDED in English




(1) : separated into parts or pieces

finely divided particles of steel

(2) : consisting of distinct parts or divisions

a book divided into 30 chapters

b. : separated into distinct divisions, sections, classes, groups

c. of a leaf : cut into distinct parts by incisions extending to the base or to the midrib — compare cleft , parted

d. : subjected to logical division

e. of a road : having the stream of traffic moving in one direction separated (as by a strip of planted land) from that moving in the opposite direction


a. : separated into opposing sides or groups : at variance with each other : disunited

the allies were sharply divided over this issue

b. : distributed among two or more specified objects or individuals

the population is about equally divided between Swedes and Norwegians

: directed or moved (as by affection, inclination, duty) toward conflicting interests, states, or objects

divided loyalties kept him aloof from the struggle

c. : divisi

3. : separated by distance from another : kept apart

familiar objects from which she had never dreamed of being divided — James Joyce

4. Hindu law : separated or freed from the bond or obligation of the joint family

a divided brother

• di·vid·ed·ness noun -es

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