də̇ˈvinəd.ē, -ətē, -i noun
( -es )
Etymology: Middle English devinite, divinite, from Middle French devinité, divinité, from Latin divinitat-, divinitas, from divinus divine + -itat-, -itas -ity — more at divine
1. : the quality or state of being divine : nature or essence of God : godhead
the divinity of Jesus
2. : deity , god : ultimate reality
there's a divinity that shapes our ends — Shakespeare
3. : a celestial being inferior to the supreme God but superior to man
one of the subservient divinities
4. : the science of divine things : the science that deals with God, his laws and moral government, and the way of salvation : theology
a. also divinity fudge : fudge made from whipped whites of eggs, white or brown sugar, and nuts
b. : a frosting made of whipped whites of eggs, corn syrup, sugar, and flavoring beaten until of the right consistency to spread