ˈdȯiən, ˈdȯiˌ(y)en, ˈdwäˌyaⁿ(n) noun
( -s )
Etymology: French, from Late Latin decanus chief of ten — more at dean
a. : the senior male member of a body or group (as of a diplomatic corps) — called also dean ; especially : one specifically or tacitly allowed to speak for the body or group
the ambassador as doyen objected strenuously to the foreign office on behalf of his colleagues
b. : a person uniquely skilled by long experience in some field of endeavor
rightly regarded as the doyen among English and American specialists on Japan — K.S.Latourette
the doyen of the Arlberg ski instructors — Joseph Wechsberg
a. : the oldest example of some category
the doyen of the country's papers
b. : something outstanding of its kind
some fanciers think dried ant's eggs the doyen of fish food
among the few virtues to which I lay vigorous claim, punctuality is the doyen — Jerome Weidman