also oec·u·men·i·cal -nə̇kəl, -nēk-
Etymology: Late Latin oecumenicus ecumenical + English -al
1. : worldwide, general, or universal in extent or influence
dreamed of re-creating an ecumenical church
or in application
the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time — Christopher Morley
a. : of, relating to, representing, or governing the whole of a body of churches
an ecumenical council
b. : of or relating to the ecumenical movement
ecumenical leaders
ecumenical discussions
c. : promoting or tending toward worldwide Christian unity
ecumenical thinking
ecumenical activity
d. : of, relating to, or being a chiefly 20th century movement toward worldwide interconfessional Christian unity originating in Protestantism and now focused in a world council of churches that is supported by many Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, and other church bodies and that promotes through functional organizations cooperation on such common tasks as missions and work among students and through conferences mutual understanding on fundamental issues in belief, worship, and polity and a united witness on world problems
Synonyms: see universal