ˈel]f, ˈeu̇]f noun
( plural elves ]vz ; also elfs )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ælf; akin to Middle Low German alf incubus, Middle High German alp incubus, Old Norse alfr elf, and probably to Old English ælbitu, ielfetu swan, Old High German alba insect larva, albiz, elbiz swan, Old Norse elptr, ölpt swan, Latin albus white, Greek alphos, a white skin disease, Welsh elfydd earth, world, Russian lebed' swan; basic meaning: white
1. : a mythical diminutive being in human form endowed with magical powers and given to beneficial or mischievous interference in human affairs : fairy , sprite , pixie
a. : a small being or creature : dwarf ; especially : a small usually playful or prankish child
the school yard teemed with running, shouting, laughing elves
a little child, a limber elf — S.T.Coleridge
b. : a mischievous, sly, or malicious person
3. also elft ]ft Africa : bluefish 1