Meaning of ENWRAP in English

transitive verb

also in·wrap ə̇n, en+

Etymology: Middle English enwrappen, inwrappen (translation of Latin involvere ), from en- (I) or in- (II) + wrappen to wrap — more at wrap


a. : to wrap or enfold in a garment or other covering

a shabby overcoat enwrapped his body

designed to enwrap luxury items — Modern Packaging

the little packet enwrapped in a faded yellow envelope — Stephen Crane

b. : to enfold in or closely surround with any physical or material substance or condition : envelop

only the coldness of the empty house enwrapped her — Edith Sitwell

a house enwrapped in flowers


a. : to wrap in or surround with something immaterial (as a mood or atmosphere)

sat there enwrapped in a sullen defiance

silence enwrapped the sleeping town

b. : to enfold in a trance, slumber, or deep thought : engross or absorb mentally

enwrapped in fond dreams of a bright future

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.