| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|sädik, -dēk sometimes -|zä- adjective
also ep·i·sod·i·cal -də̇kəl, -dēk- ; or ep·i·sod·al -|sōd ə l sometimes -|zō-
1. : made up of separate especially loosely connected episodes
the book is episodic and the various incidents don't always hang together — Alberta Eiseman
most of these symphonies are not truly symphonic …; their structure is episodic — Winthrop Sargeant
an episodic life
2. : having the form of an episode
mixture of episodic adventure, satire, and learned discourses — Douglas Bush
: incidental
compresses the five acts of the original into three, eliminates all episodic material — E.H.Zeydel
3. : of or limited in duration or significance to a particular episode : temporary , ephemeral
a reform movement that made only an episodic appearance in the life of the city
the meeting if it is to be historic rather than episodic must usher in an era of peaceful change — J.F.Dulles
his accounts … are more concerned with episodic events such as the succession of rulers and peoples — W.W.Taylor
4. : occurring, appearing, or changing at usually irregular intervals : occasional , capricious
their ideal of national union was episodic combined resistance to an intruder — T.E.Lawrence
episodic in his affections