ə̇ˈrōnēəs, eˈr- also -nyəs adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin erroneus, from errare to err — more at err
1. archaic : moving about irregularly or aimlessly : wandering
on the … field I fall erroneous , there to wander — John Milton
2. : deviating from what is true, correct, right, or wise:
a. : being or containing an error : fallacious , mistaken , inaccurate
an erroneous doctrine
received an erroneous impression
a stamp collection of erroneous issues
b. : characterized by error : erring
our own sad species … lapsed and erroneous humanity — L.P.Smith
• er·ro·neous·ly adverb
• er·ro·neous·ness noun -es