Meaning of ERUPTIVE in English

I. -ptiv, -tēv also -təv adjective

Etymology: erupt ion + -ive


a. : erupting or tending to erupt : bursting forth : breaking out

describes a geyser as an intermittently eruptive hot spring

the eruptive imagery of the poem

: having the character of an eruption

a brawl was the first eruptive result of the rising hostility

b. : characterized by eruption

the eruptive stage of smallpox

eruptive letters full of outbursts of anger or joking

2. : producing eruption

an eruptive fever

3. : produced by eruption — usually used of intrusive rocks (as granite, diorite, gabbro) or extrusive rocks (as rhyolite, andesite, basalt)

• erup·tive·ly -tə̇vlē, -li adverb

• erup·tive·ness -tivnə̇s, -tēv- also -təv- noun -es

II. noun

( -s )

: an igneous rock

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