ˌetseˈkwen.ˌtās, -sə̇ˈkwen(.ˌ)tēz
or et sequentia -seˈkwentēˌä, -sə̇ˈkwench(ē)ə
Etymology: Latin et sequentes (masculine & feminine plural), et sequentia (neuter plural)
: and those that follow — abbr. et seq., et seqq., et sqq.
ˌetseˈkwen.ˌtās, -sə̇ˈkwen(.ˌ)tēz
or et sequentia -seˈkwentēˌä, -sə̇ˈkwench(ē)ə
Etymology: Latin et sequentes (masculine & feminine plural), et sequentia (neuter plural)
: and those that follow — abbr. et seq., et seqq., et sqq.
Webster's New International English Dictionary. Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster. 2012