I. ˈed. ə l verb
Etymology: Middle English ettlen, atlen, from Old Norse ætla; akin to Old English eahtian to consider, estimate, watch over, eaht consideration, estimation, Old High German ahtōn to consider, believe, estimate, ahta consideration, attention, esteem, Gothic ahjan to believe, think, aha understanding, mind, Greek oknos hesitation, fear, and perhaps to Old English ēage eye — more at eye
transitive verb
1. chiefly Scotland : intend , plan , design
2. chiefly Scotland : attempt , venture
3. chiefly Scotland : guess , suppose
intransitive verb
chiefly Scotland : aim , aspire , plan
II. noun
( -s )
Scotland : intent , purpose
III. noun
( -s )
Etymology: by alteration (resulting from incorrect division of a nettle )
dialect England : nettle