ikˈsel, ek- verb
( excelled ; excelled ; excelling ; excels )
Etymology: Middle English excellen, from Latin excellere, from ex- ex- (I) + -cellere to rise, project (akin to Latin collis hill) — more at hill
transitive verb
1. : to surpass or outshine (as in some quality possessed or activity engaged in)
a charming child who instinctively excels other children in all the social graces
he excelled his brother at sports but not in school
his journeys excelled most … of theirs in miles, speed, and comfort — Vilhjalmur Stefansson
2. obsolete : to go beyond
intransitive verb
: to surpass other especially in good qualities, laudable actions, or acquirements : be distinguishable by superiority — usually used with in
he excels in mathematics
some painters excel in precise delineation of detail
a new melon that excels in flavor
Synonyms: see exceed