I. ˈekskrəmənt noun
( -s )
Etymology: Latin excrementum, from excre- (stem of excernere to sift out, separate, discharge — as feces — ) + -mentum -ment — more at excrete
a. : waste matter discharged from the body ; usually : waste discharged from the alimentary canal : fecal matter : dung — compare excretion
b. excrements plural : droppings, stools : fecal pellets
2. obsolete : dregs, lees , refuse
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Late Latin excrementum, from Latin excre- (stem of excrescere to grow out) + -mentum -ment
1. obsolete : an excrescence or appendage especially of hair or feathers : outgrowth
2. obsolete : growth , increase