igˈzempləˌfī, eg- transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-es )
Etymology: Middle English exemplifien, from Middle French exemplifier, from Medieval Latin exemplificare to copy, show by example, from exempli- (from Latin exemplum model, example, copy) + Latin -ficare -fy — more at example
1. obsolete : to set an example to
2. : to show or illustrate by example : furnish with examples
the chief value … lies not so much in any novelty of thesis as in the instances and insights which exemplify and enrich his elaboration — Lucius Garvin
3. obsolete
a. : to put forward or point to as an example
b. : to make example of by public punishment
a. : copy , transcribe
b. : to make an attested copy or transcript of (a document) under seal
a. : to be an instance of or serve as an example of : embody
an organism can manifest and exemplify mechanical principles in itself — Weston La Barre
b. : to be typical of : illustrate
his works exemplify the taste of the period
6. : to go through the ceremonies and rituals of (as a degree of a fraternal order)