I. igˈzäd.]ik, egˈz-, -ät], ]ēk sometimes ikˈsä- or ekˈsä- adjective
Etymology: Latin exoticus, from Greek exōtikos, from exō outside
1. : from another country : not native to the place where found : foreign
exotic flower
exotic fish
exotic dishes
2. archaic : outlandish , alien
a. : strikingly out of the ordinary : rarely met with : strange
b. : excitingly strange : having the appeal of the unknown : mysterious , romantic , picturesque , glamorous
c. : strikingly unusual in color or design : rich , showy , elaborate
• ex·ot·i·cal·ly ]ə̇k(ə)lē, ]ēk-, -li adverb
• ex·ot·ic·ness ]iknə̇s, ]ēk- noun -es
II. noun
( plural exotics -ks\)
: one (as a plant or a word) that is exotic
III. adjective
: of or relating to striptease
exotic dancing
IV. noun
( -s )
: a dancer who performs a striptease