ikˈstiŋ(k)shən, ek- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English extinccioun, from Latin exstinction-, exstinctio, extinction-, extinctio, from exstinctus, extinctus + -ion-, -io -ion
a. : the act of making extinct or causing to be extinguished : quenching, suppression , extermination , destruction , annihilation
the extinction of all life in the region
: cancellation , abolition
extinction of a debt
b. : the condition or fact of being extinct or extinguished : the process of becoming extinct or extinguished
extinction of a species
a. : a progressive decrease in the intensity of radiation (as of the light of the sun) by absorption and scattering in the medium (as the atmosphere) traversed
b. : the condition of a crystal of appearing dark when viewed in polarized light with crossed nicols
3. : elimination of a conditioned response by not reinforcing the response