Meaning of EXTRAORDINARY in English

I. -erē, -eri sometimes -dˌner- adjective

Etymology: Middle English extraordinarie, from Latin extraordinarius, from extra, adverb & preposition, outside, beyond (as in extra ordinem out of course, in an extraordinary manner) + ordinarius ordinary — more at extra- , ordinary


a. : more than ordinary : not of the ordinary order or pattern

ordinary and extraordinary expenses

: going beyond what is usual, regular, common, or customary : not following the general pattern or norm

held the office for an extraordinary period of time

giving extraordinary powers to the president


(1) : exceptional to a very marked extent : most unusual : far from common

enjoying extraordinary popularity

an extraordinary capacity for work

: very outstanding

an extraordinary leader

: very remarkable

extraordinary technical progress

: rarely equaled : singular , phenomenal

a woman of extraordinary beauty

: strikingly impressive : arresting

an extraordinary family resemblance

(2) : having little or no precedent and usually totally unexpected

an extraordinary combination of circumstances

(3) : very curious, strange, or surprising : amazing

how extraordinary that she should not understand


a. : of, relating to, or having the degree of care, caution, or diligence typical of that exercised by an extremely prudent person

revealing an extraordinary foresight

b. : of, relating to, or having the nature of a proceeding or action not normally required by law or not prescribed for the regular administration of the law

an extraordinary session of a legislature

an extraordinary court

extraordinary jurisdiction

c. : of, relating to, or having the nature of an occurrence (as an accident or casualty) or risk of a kind other than what ordinary experience or prudence would foresee


a. : serving in addition to the regular officials or employees : having a special and usually occasional rather than regular function : entrusted with a special responsibility : employed for or sent upon an unusual service

an ambassador extraordinary

b. obsolete : extra

II. noun

archaic : something extraordinary

III. adverb

archaic : extraordinarily

the quite extraordinary large quantity of furniture — Osbert Lancaster

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