Meaning of FATTEN in English

ˈfat ə n verb

( fattened ; fattened ; fattening -t( ə )niŋ ; fattens )

Etymology: fat (II) + -en

transitive verb


a. : to make fat, fleshy, or plump — often used with up

attempting to fatten her children up with potatoes, spaghetti, and creamed dishes

: make bigger or more substantial

fatten the record by making false entries

fatten the young author's self-esteem — E.J.Simmons

especially : to feed (as a stock animal) for slaughter


(1) : to add to (a pot) in a card game especially by an additional ante

(2) : to play a high-scoring card to (a trick one's partner or a favored opponent is expected to win, as in pinochle)

2. : to make fertile and fruitful : enrich

intransitive verb

: to grow fat, corpulent, or plump

herds fattening on the early clover

: grow rich and prosperous

early kings fattening on the labor of slaves and enemy captives

boulevard papers with large circulations fattening on sex, crime, and scandal — Newsweek

— often used with out

a skinny cow fattening out into a good carcass

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