Meaning of FIGURATIVE in English

ˈfig(y)ərə]d.iv, -grə], ]tiv adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French figuratif, from Late Latin figurativus, from Latin figuratus + -ivus -ive

1. : representing or represented by a figure or resemblance

the figurative art of the humanistic tradition — Herbert Read

2. : transferred in sense from literal or plain to abstract or hypothetical (as by the expression of one thing in terms of another with which it can be regarded as analogous) : metaphorical

figurative language

in a figurative sense, civilization marches up and down — Lewis Mumford

3. : characterized by figures of speech or elaborate expression

a figurative description

a figurative author

• fig·u·ra·tive·ly ]d.ə̇vlē, ]tə̇v-, -li; ˈfigər] adverb

• fig·u·ra·tive·ness -ivnə̇s noun -es

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