Meaning of FINALIZE in English

ˈfīn ə lˌīz verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

transitive verb

: to put in final or finished form : finish , complete , close

soon my conclusions will be finalized — D.D.Eisenhower

the couple finalize plans to marry at once — S.J.Perelman

empowered to … finalize the deal — James Joseph

: give final approval to

the list has not been finalized by the deputy, but it won't be changed now — Robertson Davies

ties up the day's loose ends, finalizing the papers prepared and presented by his staff — Newsweek

intransitive verb

: to bring something to completion

if we don't finalize tonight, those two … will get suspicious and sell to someone else — I.L.Idriess

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.