ˈflōrə noun
( plural floras -rəz ; also flo·rae -rˌē)
Etymology: New Latin, after Flora, Roman goddess of flowers, from Latin, from flor-, flos
1. : a systematic treatise on or a list of the plants of an area, habitat, or period
a flora of No. America
prepared a new flora of the western mountains
— compare fauna 3
a. : plant life : plants
recent flora exhibits many adaptations to habitat
— often contrasted with fauna
b. : the plants or plant life characteristic of, peculiar to, or adapted for living in a particular situation (as a geological stratum, period, habitat, or region)
the Devonian fossil flora
postglacial floras
a lacustrine flora
the intestinal flora
c. : plants or plant life of a particular kind or having some common characteristic
the gram-negative flora of the soil
a large parasitic flora
interesting moss floras
— see vegetation 3