I. adjective
Etymology: Middle English flouring, from present participle of flouren to flower, flourish — more at flower
1. obsolete : flourishing
a. : bearing flowers especially in the blooming stage
a flowering branch
b. : covered with or full of flowers
a flowering meadow
3. : having conspicuous flowers : being of a kind grown primarily for its blossom — used chiefly in vernacular names of plants, the combination sometimes designating a plant that does not belong to the natural group indicated by the noun
the fringe tree is sometimes called flowering ash
II. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English flouring, from gerund of flouren
a. : the act or state of producing flowers : anthesis , florescence
have you ever watched the flowering of the cereus?
b. : the season when plants bloom
flowering will be late this year
2. : something (as ornamentation) of floral form or suggesting a blooming
3. : an unfolding or development
the gradual flowering of his talent
4. : the secondary fermentation with flor formation in the production of superior sherry wines ; sometimes : flor