-ˈberən(t)s, -ˈba(a)r- noun
( -s )
Etymology: forbear (I) + -ance
1. : a delay in enforcing or a suspension of or a refraining from enforcing debts, rights of action, rights, privileges, claims, or obligations — compare renewal
2. : the act of forbearing : the exercise of patience or restraint
I believe you equal to every … domestic forbearance , so long as … you have an object — Jane Austen
3. : the quality of being forbearing : indulgence toward offenders or enemies : long-suffering , leniency
known … for her forbearance with her incorrigible husband — Willa Cather
grateful for the help and forbearance shown to us by the police — Basil Thomson
forbearance has broadened into unconcern — Agnes Repplier
Synonyms: see patience