ˈfȯrsə̇ps, ˈfȯ(ə)s-, -ˌseps noun
( plural forceps “ ; also forcepses -psə̇z ; or forci·pes -_səˌpēz)
Etymology: Latin, from formus hot + -ceps (from capere to take) — more at warm , heave
1. : an instrument for grasping, holding firmly, or exerting traction upon objects that it would be inconvenient or impracticable to seize with the fingers ; especially : such an instrument for delicate operations (as of jewelers, surgeons, obstetricians, dentists) : pincers, tongs — sometimes used with pair
a pair of forceps
[New Latin, from Latin]
: a limb resembling a forceps ; especially : a pair of curved hard movable appendages at the end of the abdomen of an insect (as the earwig)