Meaning of FOREGROUND in English

I. ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun

Etymology: fore- + ground

1. : the part of a scene or representation that is or is depicted as being nearest to and in front of the spectator — compare background , distance , perspective

2. : a position of prominence : forefront

in the foreground of our activities

II. noun

: a level of computer processing at which the processor responds immediately to input to a designated high-priority task — compare background herein

III. ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ transitive verb

Etymology: foreground , noun

: to place in the foreground ; especially : to give prominence or emphasis to

in a poem in Scots, a point may be foregrounded by use of standard English — H.A.Gleason Jr.

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.