fȯrˈmāshən, -ȯ(ə)ˈ- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English formacioun, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French formation, from Latin formation-, formatio, from formatus + -ion-, -io -ion
1. : an act of giving form or shape to something or of taking form : production , development
planned the formation of a social club
the formation of good habits
2. : something that is formed
new word formations
a greenish formation of mold on bread
3. : the manner in which a thing is formed : structure , construction , form
the peculiar formation of the heart
a. : the largest unit in ecological community organization comprising two or more associations together with the successional communities that lead to their establishment, the unit as a whole corresponding in area with a region of essentially uniform climate
the grassland formation
— compare biome
b. : a group of associations bound together by close similarity in life forms or habits and by dependence upon closely simlar climates — compare climax 4
a. : any particular mineral aggregate or rock — not often used technically
b. : any igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rock represented as a unit in geological mapping : a cartographic unit
c. : any sedimentary bed or consecutive series of beds sufficiently homogeneous or distinctive to be regarded as a unit
the Trenton formation
a. : an arrangement of a body of troops in line, column, or other prescribed manner
b. : an arrangement of football players at the start of a play ; especially : the development of the offensive backfield at the start of a play from scrimmage — usually used in combination; see a formation , double wingback formation , i formation , punt formation , single wingback formation , split T , spread formation , t formation
c. : an arrangement of two or more airplanes flying as a unit and for a particular purpose (as attack, protection, or review)
7. : the arrangement of the fibers in a sheet of paper
a well closed, or regular, formation
a wild, or irregular, formation